Following in from 2019, The Year of Discovery, Visit Wales have recently announced that 2020 will be the Year Of The Outdoors, celebrating all that being active in Wales' amazing outdoor space has to offer.

This coordinated marketing strategy which began in 2015 with the Year Of Adventure, is driven by Visit Wales in response to key challenges in promoting Wales as a destination. The thematic years assists Wales' long-term ambition to grow a stronger and more defined brand for tourism in Wales and giving opportunities to focus on investment and innovation in tourism, while bringing an increase in visitor volume and value each year.
Powys is particularly well placed to capitalise on the promotion on the outdoors, with many quality tourism products, walking and cycling routes and iconic businesses for who the outdoor environment is a key attraction for their visitors.
To find out more about how to make your business piggy back succesfylly on the coordinated marketing work please visit